Technology, explaining some concepts of the creative process of Extraudio
Electronic innovation, to this we have dedicated our first 14 years of life and also to the search to be able to produce products without making them in series, if not, one by one, products that do not generate dissipation heat, with our own high-speed amplification technology. power with low energy expenditure, what we call EPAM modules.
The design of all the transformers of the different Extraudio products has taken us 2 years of R&D and more than 30 prototypes to reach the conclusion; that for the result we wanted we need to innovate again and we opted for toroidal transformers specifically formulated with the quality protocol for medical products.
We use a new concept of sand-specific and proprietary core, with this, we achieve that we do not have any oscillation in the audio signals.
Extraudio transformers guarantee low radiation, low vibration, high-quality wiring, and proprietary sand core, all designed to improve sound.
An atypical remote control concept, with a proprietary transmission and reception protocol with a long-range, from 20 to 80 meters, and with internal rechargeable batteries in the remote control itself for long life, with a USB charging port.
In the electronic design of audio and power supplies we use the type of double mono configuration, the power supplies are calculated in audio frequency and not in electrical frequency, ensuring the generation of harmonics.

The power supplies of all products have been designed for high-end audio products, calculated in audio frequency, and consist of four stages:
Maximum current delivery
Super filtration
Electronic regulation
Final Stabilization
To achieve an ultra-low noise level, a lot of dynamics and to give high protection and transparency to the audio circuits.
In all circuits where audio is involved, we only use audiophile-grade capacitors, Mundorf, Elna, Jantzen, Jupiter, etc. Taking advantage of this topic of condensers for audiophiles, we have had to create custom components since they did not exist in the market with the necessary values, making Extraudio products even more exquisite, unique, and without the possibility of being copied “we want to insist on the unique identity of Extraudio”.
The power supplies to further protect the audio circuits have systems specifically designed and controlled by microcontrollers.
Volume control with microcontroller controlled hermetically sealed and isolated analog potentiometers, with independent bodies for left and right channels, with 62 volume steps equaling 0.5db per step.
All electronic components end up being soldered with the best quality WBT silver solder, hand soldered, on our own designed 4-layer printed circuit boards, designing 4 layers is not easy but it gives us more control over the insulation of the audio signals, printed circuit boards are electrolytic gold plated for better conductivity and anti-corrosion. We study the minimum path of the audio tracks and thus improve the speed at high frequencies.
In the passage of the audio signal we are very exquisite, we use very expensive materials, such as audio relays with gold contacts, gold fuses, gold-plated connectors, and speaker connectors of the best quality of the German brand. WBT, among other precious materials.
In search of perfection, Extraudio devices are very robust and durable, handcrafted (this is the only way to get the Extraudio sound), and have a unique blend of old and new technologies.
Real extreme quality, exact tolerance electronic components, hand selected and matched for a unique stereo feel, for example, the electro ion tubes are searched from 1000 pieces and matched in pairs, and furthermore, the two internal triodes are sought to be as more equal to each other, this concept is called “matched pair and balanced triodes”.
The products are not manufactured in series, but one by one, in order to create exclusive products and take care of all the details.
Our secret is to keep a very low annual production of products, to be able to adjust them perfectly and have enough time to examine them carefully and thus create a truly unique and exclusive product.
In our fight against planned obsolescence, we choose the best internal electronic components with the longest useful life on the market.
In 2016 we created the up-grade program for all our products so that they could be expanded over time,
(This makes it easier to have an updated product and not buy and throw it away, adding value to the product and the end customer and taking care of the environment).
Applying the anti-obsolescence principle we solve an audiophile problem, nervous audiophilia, and the constant change of products and brands, this added to the Extraudio up-grades program ends with the matter of buying, re-selling, changing, or throwing away.
We are totally identified with creating sustainable products, with the possibility of making them unique, customizable, and expandable, creating brand value.
In addition, we can expand them with a simple action (software-hardware) in our technical laboratory or remotely via the Internet, providing extra services.
All Extraudio products follow and will be homologated to the European directives and quality standards:
Directive 2002/95/CE for Restriction of Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment, RoHS.
Every product includes an EC declaration and the EC conformity mark, directive 93/68/EEC, besides being designed and manufactured inside the European Union.
0,5w Standby Power Energy Star & EU specs.
The Directive 2014/35/EU, CE, RoHS.
Extraudio Toroidal Transformer complies with electrical standards, KEMA KEUR, UL/CSA, and CE approvals. AC 100/115/240V 60/50Hz.
The products have been designed and created following the safety standard of electrical and electronic audio and video equipment, IEC 60065.
Extraudio™ is a registered trademark – All rights reserved – The Netherlands.