Industrial design
ECO Design
Extraudio wants to be a brand committed to sustainability, applying the concept of eco-design and studying the minimization of energy consumption during the manufacturing process and the useful life of the product.
We create environmentally friendly products by reducing the range of materials used in the manufacturing process and by designing products for easy separation and sorting after their useful life.
We use recyclable materials and environmentally friendly technologies: our product strategy is based on the long life of our devices and not on cost.

Applying design thinking
We have created a mix of unique components, like in our Artisan audio cables, with a patented copper and graphite conductor, we also use cleaner 3D additive manufacturing, mixing 3D technology and stainless steel to achieve lighter and more sustainable parts, but providing an identical and antimagnetic technical solution.
Extraudio products have a lower physical weight but are built with the best aircraft grade aluminum, type 6061.
Extraudio incorporates into its corporate strategy placing the Client at the center of the creative process, thus applying design thinking. In this way, the company can design the user experience and find the right solutions to solve their dissatisfaction problems.
Design philosophy, “less is more”
The exterior design is the first thing that the end user notices, the design is inspired by the golden form of nature and minimalism, as well as clean cubic lines, with these two concepts we have achieved a very solid image in our products.
Extraudio products are designed to be manufactured in small series, which allows us to take care of every last detail. The characteristic of robustness, especially sought after by the audiophile user, is achieved thanks to the solid aluminum block construction technique. Without joints or visible screws, the product is more refined, without entering into the “Life Style” concept, to which we do not dedicate ourselves, we sell robustness and extra sound.
We have worked on the interior and exterior design down to the last detail, seeking perfection in electronic and mechanical engineering.
Industrial design is inspired by the industrial design concepts of Mr. Mies Van Der Rohe and the father of modern design, Mr. Dieter Rams.
It should be noted that our design is very much in line with the “10 principles of good design” with its phrase: “less, but with better execution” also in 1970, Mr. Rams predicted “to put an end to waste and crazy consumption in a planet of finite resources” I call this concept “slow life” very much in accordance with our brand philosophy, sustainability, planned anti-obsolescence, etc.
We choose clean cubic lines design and minimalism, no frills, no screens or colors, and honest and sincere design.
We firmly believe that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
In the words of Mr. Rams, “good design is the one that goes unnoticed, the least possible design, and must also fulfill its function efficiently”.
Mr. Rams was ahead of his time, but today his “10 principles of good design” are more alive than ever, he has left us an indelible legacy for Extraudio and we believe and apply his 10 design principles in our products as well as for example Apple Inc™.
Extraudio™ is a registered trademark – All rights reserved – The Netherlands.