New Extraudio DAC1 R2R Ladder i2S and Bluetooth HD

DAC1 R-2R Ladder

R-2R digital-to-analog converters or ladder DACs make use of a resistor network to generate an analog signal from the digital data that is presented at its inputs. This type of DACs provides a very analog and smooth sound based on the precision of the resistive elements used, which is why we use more than 600 […]

The new module, an internal phono preamplifier for MM/MC PH2 cartridge… compatible with all Extraudio integrated preamplifiers and amplifiers. To play or restore the RIAA curve recorded on a vinyl record is an art

PH2 Phono Preamp MM/MC, Pure Class A | Extraudio

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Few can enjoy the way a vinyl record was recorded and recover that analog sound with its deep bass, nuances and micro details, and penetrating and velvety voices, which remain in the analog imprint of the grooves of the vinyl record. That was our need when we started designing the Phono MM/MC module, how […]

The challenge of creating new EPAM high-end audio amplification modules, the revolution, and the future of high-end audio is now and here…

New EPAM high-end audio amplification modules | Extraudio

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Extraudio is already in the future, since 2008 we have already created our own amplification technologies and now we have finished the revolution of all Extraudio products. The discovery of these new and proprietary EPAM amplification modules, an even better and more forceful sound with much higher amperage and wattage, but with a very small […]

Separation into three simple product lines, Discovery, Origin, and audio cables

Discovery, Origin, and Audio Cables | Extraudio

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Extraudio product family continues to grow and we wanted to give it a proper overview and order and separate the products into several lines. The first line is the Discovery we call it that because it is where you can discover the Extraudio sound at high-end but contained prices. Secondly, we want to highlight […]